
Look at Her! Feel Her!

You're invited somewhere famous for a Sunday morning walk. You had been very active then and had nothing better to do than catch up with friends on long walks in your Motherland where you are now a visitor. Early Sunday morning ! Your Friend's friends arrive and introductions are civil. You note one, no eye contact. You feel her presence. In this glorious walk, admist tall bold trees, you see her, you do not talk, you feel her.  You look at the bright blue skies, you soak in the sun. The sun is literally shining on your face because you can feel her presence, you do not talk to her. You are in awe. You do not talk to her. The walk ends. Catastrophe! You panic silently!. How can this end and you haven't talked to her, what if you never see her again? You see her, but do not talk o her. A smart person proposes Lunch! Thank the universe for smart people. I think of it as a women empowerment lunch because all these women had moved back to Motherland and I wanted to hear their e

A NURSE'S DILEMA-Covid Chronicles

                                    It has been a few shifts since i have taken care of  Covid patient and i feel some kind of hope for now. That  being said, the country opened up and eased quarantine restrictions last week and sadly, there are sh*** a** people living life as if nothing had happened, as if the world just decided to let everyone on leave to enjoy the pleasures of being home!. Keep your distance!. If that’s impossible, wear your dem mask! Its all jolly go round till you end up in a ventilator or more-so 6 feet under! I've been on Annual leave and since I couldn't go anywhere, I spent that time reflecting and digesting what us, critical care workers went through during the Pandemic! I suprised myself at how heavy this all felt and the anxiety it causes to imagine we could do it all over again in the case of a second wave. As most are reminising how they missed the parties, here are some of the things that i, as an icu nurse reminisced about. The shifts were c


I am a nurse in an ICU in London. This is a story of my experiences with patients. I know out there  they are just another statistic but to us, they are patients, dads, mums, brothers, sisters, grandparents, friends, Humans..People. People who were just going about their business before they somehow got into contact with someone infected by the virus. People who are now fighting for their lives in hospital. People who know me know that am such a people person, I have such interest in people and because of this i end up feeling such sadness  on terrible stories or being extremely happy on success stories. I am such a reader of autobiographies or books based on real life stories. So are most of the movies I watch. This explains why, I carry this so heavy, why most of my dreams are about my work at this particular pandemic time. My first Covid patient was a lucky man, I just so happened to be at work on my birthday. I was bit annoyed for having to work on my birthday, I haven't fo

DINO BIG PAWS- My Adoption Story.

Sometime in 2015, I was born, I have no idea of my mum or human mum and dad because somewhere in 2016, the human damped me in the streets of Abu Dhabi. The humans that had fed me later disowned me, but if humans disown other humans, I figure they can be quite cruel to animals too. Shame.... I had never been on the streets before, my life was not for the streets like the ninja cats i found there. I retrieved into my little corner and started withering, dehydrating, malnourishing, I could feel my intestines twisting as my body yearned for food, my beautiful fur fell off and I started dying slowly. I could feel life leaping out of me, gush by gush. My small body was letting go. I thought the deal was sealed and that judgement day was coming...I wondered what I would be judged for, how I will lay my case since I didn't get to build one. Then, as luck would have it, a loving and compassionate human saw me on the streets, she cuddled me, I hesitated, I did not trust the huma

Welcome To London Chronicles!

Knock-knock... who's there? postman... postman who?..... I open the door and the postman is standing there with a parcel, my mind can't recall me ordering anything but maybe I was drunk you know, the things you could do when drunk and feeling rich, but still I had no recollection of such a drunken night so I just weirdly stared at the postman. 'Hey love..could you please sign this for your neighbour, she can pick it up from you,'... Eeem wait, what?, 'sign here'...thanks love.. Things went so fast that last I remember I was at the door with a parcel belonging to a neighbour I haven't met. Guess I have to meet the neighbour after all...Finland, I am now awkward, thanks to I have been feeling a little home-sick, I miss the sea, I miss running around and having the sea as close. Maybe it's because it's summer and English weather has welcomed us with proper rain, the water shapes in my mind as small ponds, small lakes, maybe they are

Adhios Summer! Hello Fall......

That must have the the hottest summer in a long time, i didn’t follow up with weather news so forgive me for publishing fake news, i hope the Trump wrath will not be fall me! I don’t think so though, cause we haven’t build any walls in Finland! Atleast not yet, and no plans hopefully! The sun shone and warmed the comfort of our skins, sometimes it had that kind of heat that tickles the skin. It gave us tans even when some of us were on 100 spf! There was no way around it! We fought but the sun fought back stronger forcing on its agenda,  got me using terms like Melanin Popping as i hashtagged for the gram!! Oh Yes! I feel so accomplished to have used a hastag this summer! And even more accomplished to have used gram today! These younglings will be the death of us! What is generation hashtag again? Millineals? What a welcome back to the country! Last summer was my 1st summer in Finland after 3 years away and it seems the Middle East weather followed me here! Brought on soaring tempara

The tooth that won't stop fighting!

I woke up this morning at 10am. Elsa the cat could not take a lady sleeping so long so she hopped on me and walked a few times up and down even bringing her nose to my nose to actually be sure am still breathing. I figured the cat must be hungry and became human enough to go downstairs to feed her and her sister who was lying on the mat with that look, 'can't you see am already dead from hunger,' the queen then got up and rubbed herself to my legs and i smilingly, if thats a word, bent down to rub her and served them breakfast. I went around letting light into our sitting room and kitchen, I paused by the window to wonder if it was snowing or raining. I certainly heard drops of rain on the roof, no wonder I snuggled in so long and cosy. It was comforting to realise the weather can't make up its mind. It would rain water a min followed by snow drops. It disappointed me because I had planned that the only productive thing I would do today was to go jogging. Haha, to me